Gardening Jobs for April
- Sow seeds (herbs, flowers and veg) – those which are started off indoors are well under way (propagators and window-ledges fully employed!). Outdoor sowings started
- Pricking out and potting on various (little) plants including the pyracantha and berberis hardwood cuttings taken last year. (Greenhouse filling up – need to keep it aerated but beware of the cold nights)
- Mulching and top-dressing soft-fruit bushes/plants
- Sorting out the flower borders – pruning (eg Lavender and Penstemons), cutting back the dead foliage, dividing and mulching perennials, getting the supports reinstated. Dead heading eg daffodils
- Spring-dig of veg plot with addition of compost and/or general fertiliser
- Plant chitted main-crop potatoes in ground or grow bags
- Lawn maintenance – mow (high setting), weed and feed.
- Watering (containers) started already!
- Pressure wash patio and paths
- Slugs and weeds are back!